On Unquantifiable Boundaries

Acousmatic music


June 2016

Mutichannel composition

On Unquantifiable Boundaries is a large-scale piece composed for a multichannel sound system of 32 addressable speakers. The configuration of the system is quite unique as it was designed specifically by the Azimuth foundation for their concert series. The piece was developed taking deeply into consideration spatial sound, putting a strong emphasis on the movement of sound gestures across the whole sonic environment, as opposed to events that are isolated to each speaker individually, as is the case in most standard works.

The material of the piece is purely synthetic but aimed at mimicking sonic properties of living organisms that traverse space. For that purpose, granular synthesis and various frequency modulation techniques were employed, along with a set of tools I developed specifically for the spatialisation of the piece.

Given the large scale of the piece, it is impossible to offer an excerpt in stereo without loosing too many of its details, therefore an excerpt is not available.

The piece was developed for the Azimuth Foundation in The Hague, The Netherlands.


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