Reading (as) Bodies

Software Developer

Interactive installation

Commissioned by
Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec

Motion tracking sonic experience

Reading (as) Bodies is a spatial intervention, responsive sound installation, and performative setting emphasizing the notion of written text as a graphic territory and the act of reading as a bodily movement. Using tracing technology and digital sound synthesis the installation accommodates a situation where visitors bodily inhabit the graphic representation and sonic manifestation of written text simultaneously through the processes of magnification, movement, and slowing down.

In collaboration with Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec

As a continuation of the Reading voice project, Slovenian audiovisual artist Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec commissioned me to expand on the original idea and create this time a large-scale tracking system, capable of following people in a room via the wireless digital positioning system Pozyx. Our custom software infers the location of people in space via a triangulation algorithm and allows them to physically play sound with their bodies in motion while allowing Tao to compose arbitrary configurations of text on the space floor, which get picked up dynamically by the system.

The installation was developed at the Lab for Unstable Media V2_  in Rotterdam.


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